In the e-commerce business there has been a buzz about the click to call technology. The big internet companies are already starting to test and enable web to phone connections for e-commerce websites. Buyers and sellers will soon be able to establish connections through e-commerce websites. This is not just good news for owners of e-commerce websites, the click to call technology can be applied in all areas of business as long as it serves its purpose.
What is “click to call”?
A click to call service is a telecommunication service offered to allow the user of a particular website to call the owner of the website by only clicking a button. This can include an ad banner, a search engine or an online directory listing. The click to call technology will allow a client to talk directly to a representative of the company or a customer service agent. If a client is browsing the internet over a computer, the voice over internet protocol (VoIP) technology will place an immediate call back to the websites phone number. This will enable the owner of the website to know who made the call and where the call is coming from. Click to call technology therefore makes it easy for clients to place orders through the web or inquire about a company they would like to purchase from.
Advantages of a click to call
Direct link to the call centre
The advantage of click to call services over toll free numbers is that the clicks to call numbers allow companies to control and monitor the traffic to their company websites. But business owners must control their enthusiasm about the click to call technology. The click to call technology is not here to replace the traditional methods of selling. Click to call only compliments what is already in existence. In complex purchases where the client needs physical interaction with the salesman a more personal approach is required.
Track and analyze traffic
With a click to call service enabled in your company’s website you will be able to easily track who is calling your company’s call centre. Most companies tracking their website visitor’s online activity on their page are already making profits from this technology. The click to call technology even allows you to know what page was most interesting to the website visitors. Most business owners are coming to the realization that a standard ordinary phone number on a website creates a blind spot on their customer relationship management. Using customer relationship management and intelligent business analytics, you company shall be able to improve online sales significantly.
Create relevant content on your site
A click to call service can be the cutting edge technology that your company needs to stay on track. It could be the one ingredient that your marketing department requires. Given that a click to call allows you to manage and track your traffic, making sure that you understand the demands of your customers online has never been easier. You can make sure that you are marketing team experiments with different kinds of content that allow you to gauge and analyze the content that attracts more conversion. After a comprehensive review of what the visitors to your website prefer, you will be able to tailor your content so as to fit the preferences of the clients that visit your website.
Manage your marketing budget
A click to call technology is a sure way of managing the amount of money you spend on marketing and advertising your business. Many businesses that don’t understand the power of a click to call technology will spend a lot of money on marketing to the wrong demographic. This kind of marketing is nothing more than shooting in the dark. It is risky and can lead to losses. With a click to call you will be able to understand the demographic that you are selling to. This will greatly improve your return on investment for every marketing campaign you put out.