Online Communication Tools for Small Businesses

Most small companies and start ups are growing rapidly in the information age as compared to earlier times. The advantages that the internet provides for small businesses, enables startups and small enterprises to communicate and make work easier. The other advantage is that small businesses no longer have to spend a fortune on advertisement and publicity. With an active online presence a company can advertise its service and products for cheap. In this article we look at some of the internet tools that most startups are using to advance their communication and thus grow faster.

Online meetings

As of 2016, software developing companies have gone ahead to create online applications that enable online business meetings. With the wide spread of the internet, online meeting softwares have grown to enable follow up on projects after meetings. Business owners can now track their employee’s progress on the assignments allocated to them. Big businesses and organizations are already taking advantage of these online tools to streamline their business operations. For small companies, the cost of setting up offices for business meetings can significantly be reduced if they take advantage of such online tools.

Google Hangouts

For startups whose business depends on making video calls, another reliable online tool to make use of is the Google hangouts application. Employees in a startup can collaborate on different kinds of projects by communicating on this platform. The advantage of being able to use the application on mobile devices makes work even easier. Projects can now be discussed online and performed online with all the participants of the project getting involved no matter their location. For small businesses, this technology can revolutionize the way they do business and improve the company’s growth.

Office suite

For startups whose employees are constantly on the move, office suite is another online communication tool to use. The application offers full accessibility on the cloud from any device giving the convenience of being able to finish a task while on the go. Apart from easy accessibility, the application also offers video conferencing capabilities that can reduce time taken by startups to organize business meetings. You can also be able to synchronize your company’s incoming calls and enable all your calls to come to your cell phone or other company phones. This application is a sure way of streamlining the work force of your business for good.


For star ups that work with basic requirements for online web-conferencing, the GoToMeeting app can be the ideal tool. A business owner can use it to plan their web conferencing according to their calendar. The application also provides other tools that help small businesses to manage productivity on a daily basis.

Audio web-conferencing

Apart from HD video conferencing that most online applications offer, a small business can also benefit from an audio web-conferencing tool. This can be ideal for businesses that have a slower internet package. An example of such platform includes the Unified Meeting 5. It gives small enterprises simple solutions to their web-confessing problems and can work with a slow internet connection.